A Hair Dye or not to dye Hair Journey returning to natural roots, at whatever age you wish.
I still remember the year day and the place, I was in our new house, in the upstairs bathroom, when I discovered a few of my first glistening hair strands, of “colourless (for us Canadians) or colorless (for Americans)” hair. I was 16.
At 19 around the kitchen table, my father had used some “Grecian Formula“, hair dye for his salt and pepper hair. It was jet black and very obvious that day, it was too dark, my brother burst out laughing.
Milestone 28, brought on the highlights, but then I was always playing catch up, trying to redye the roots.
Year 34, one solid colour of permanent hair dye, every 6 weeks, it was easier maintenance. Then I turned 50. This was the year, I was going to be in the best shape of my life.
May 2020, I got a real good taste of what my hair colour was trying to show me when lockdown happened for a few months prior. After seeking opinions from friends and family members, I got my hair dyed again…and I felt disappointed all that grow out was instantly disappeared, but with a few untouched strands that were slightly missed. My eyebrows fade when I dye my hair, so I have to get them done too. I also enjoy the texture of my hair when dyed.
Several more dyed appointments, in between lockdowns. This was the year, I was going to look and feel great.
When January 2021 hit, the need was there to dye again. The pattern is 4 weeks appearing and by 6 weeks very noticeable of white roots showing, must get dyed.

An Essay
Feb 2021, I was doing an online university class, and found myself writing an informative essay on “Two things a person does to have perseverance”. What could I write about? One look at my roots, gave me the idea, of “To Dye or Not to Dye”…that is the question? Sure sounded like something out of a Shakespearian play.

In my research for the essay, I realized how for the past 70 years, we have been marketed to and have come to believe that we must hide grey hair as it’s a sign of aging. Men’s hair can turn change colour and they look distinguish. Some will say, to women, Oh, you are letting yourself go. In reality, it is just a colour!! We associate it with being old, because we don’t see it enough. I only remember my mom with salt & pepper hair, not sure if she ever dyed it.
Support Groups
Researching for my essay, it was important to find the why? Second. Find a support group I found Check out a facebook group “Silver sisters”, ladies in their 30’s, ditching the dye. So many have said, they wished they never dyed, or wished they did it sooner! I was just curious what colour my hair really was, and took the leap of self-discovery. I wasn’t really sure what I was doing, but by not getting my hair done, I was making that choice to not dye it. With the more Covid restrictions, it gave me the second chance to hide out more without having to reveal the awful contrast of the painful demarcation line from dark to white, especially when going full turkey and just letting it grow out.

I got it cut, and shaved at the back, I was curious how different it might be, what percentage of white, was I?

I used wide headbands, and EuFora hair powder to try to not see the white line. The hair powder worked much better than the spray, and don’t get deceived by how little is in the container, but it needs space to move around in the bottle and be applied to the applicator brush, and a little goes far. But…it only worked well in some light, and badly in others, especially when I have such a dark comparison against the white.
When I knew I was going to be seen more with no more covid restrictions, I couldn’t tolerate the two tones dyed hair and decided to just go for the shortest pixie hair cut, to cut off all the color, and then start over again in growing out my length. I got raving reviews that my hair looked like Jamie Lee Curtis, that having shorter hair open up my face. I have had short hair growing up, but I always desire to have it longer.

I have had only 2 this year, and this one was in June. It is fun to see how some the colour from one side to the other side, or where I might have a grey streak coming in. Will it be permanent? I don’t know. Perhaps, I will go back to dyeing, I might… but for now, I’m still discovering myself with my hair. Saving time and money. Although, I really miss my hairdresser visits.
My eyebrows match, and I don’t have to dye them which is really nice. My hair grows quickly, the curl is returning, and right now, it’s so easy, just shampoo and conditioner and air dry. I do put a little bit of product in, to help style it. For now, I will give it a year or two and maybe give it a bit more contrast underneath if it needs it. It sure is nice not having to worry about my roots. I always say, “I’m just one hair dye away if I want to change back and then I’m back to a regular routine of upkeep.
“Pretty is something you’re born with. But beautiful, that’s an equal opportunity adjective.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson.
PS. I got an A on the essay, and pictures of my professor of her roots before she dyed it again!

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