This Don’t Eat Pete game is an easy party game for kids that requires almost no preparation! Gather some candy and download the free printable and you are ready for a fun time.
Were you that child, who would tally up each type of candy that you received on Halloween night? I sure did, as I like to see how many chocolate bars, gum, bags of chips and more, that I received. I also had a paper proof of what I had currently in stock, my family members ask for a trade, or a Halloween tax for taking me out, and from stealing my candy, but my numbers never did match up?

This game is a fun guessing game and can help children in describing what the monsters look like, too. It doesn’t have to be placed with candy, as you could use objects also. Let the child decide how many pieces go on each monster, and hopeful you can win a few extra pieces, as you play along with them.
If you want a no candy option, you could also have them describe what the monster might have, rather than just randomly pointing and guessing. Lego pieces, coins, paper, anything works!

How to Play Don’t Eat Pete!
- Print out one game board to share (get the file at the end of this post)
- Place a piece of candy or an object on each monster
- Have one person either leave the room or close their eyes, NO peeking!!
- Another Person, picks a monster to be Pete!
- When the person comes back into the room, or you tell them its time to guess, they can open their eyes! They take the candy off the each monster and keep it for themselves, until they pick Pete! The other players yell out, “Don’t Eat Pete!” and the game starts over!

Looking for more Monster ideas? Check out these super cute Monster treats!
To get the free printable, please enter your name and email address in the form below and click the tab that says, “Let’s Play” and the form will be downloaded automatically.
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