Little Reminders for you-
When to Schedule
Avoid scheduling your session the day of or after doctor’s appointments. Not too many of us, enjoy going to the dr’s, and vaccinations can have lingering effects, that could effect their mood, as well as yours.
A well rested and fed child is a happy child! Avoid scheduling around nap times (unless they are newborns) and stick to their normal napping schedule the day of your session. Have your child eat a meal/snack before their appointment; however please avoid mood altering foods like sugars and caffeine, as it may affect the photographer bouncing off the walls in pursuit of them! Check those faces before you come, to wash off the “macaroni and cheese” or stain lips from ravoli.
Oh No, My child is sick!
If you or you’re child isn’t feeling well, it okay to reschedule the session, no one is themselves when they feel slightly under the weather. Please try to give at least 48 hours notice, if possible! Your creation fee, will not be returned to you, but it will hold a spot for you to reschedule. I respect your time, by scheduling plenty of time before and after your appointment, and usually only reserve this appointment for you.
Let’s not be cheesy, and drop “Cheese” out of our vocabulary on portrait day. It’s my job to enjoy your children, as much as you do! So no need to encourage your child, “to have to smile”, just let it come naturally! I have that child, that will do anything not to smile! The more stressed you become, so does the child, they will not want to do what you want them to do, no matter how hard you try. So, please, if you allow me to, can I bribe your child, and offer goodies, and say the clever things, to make them smile, so you don’t have to grit your teeth, and not have your blood pressure rise!
Remember to bring comfort items, if your child depends on it! Soothers, blankets, and stuffies, are all welcomed.

Please bring anything that you might want to have included in your portraits. An ultrasound, a favourite outfit, special toy, keepsake baby shoes, name blocks, favourite stuffy, favourite team memorabiala, perhaps even your well behaved pet.
Bring several changes of clothing. Avoid stripes and logos, they can date a portrait. If it’s their style to wear logo t-shirts, or old running shoes, if you’re okay with that, so am I. Solid colours, in similiar tones, or opposite palates, as with layers, work well. Don’t be a afraid to mix up the colours, gone are the days, that everyone has to wear white and just jeans.
If you’re coming in for a headshot, remember, the focus will be on your face and upper shoulders. Collar shirts, and jackets, will draw the eye to your face. Solid colours are favourable, long sleeves, are more slimming. For a man, a tie, a briefcase, bring what respresents you. For women, if it’s your style, bring a scarf, it will draw attention to your face, too.
Hair & Make-Up
Coming in for a headshot, is not the time for you to get a new hair cut the day before! I would encourage everyone to check the status of their nail polish, if its chipping, take it off.
I don’t think it’s my right to tell you how to wear your make-up or hair. If you would like to have a make-up artist or a professional hair dresser, I can provide these mobile services. Please book early, to avoid disappointment.
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