Snack time at home or at preschool, how to set your child up for success!
If you have being playing, its time to tidy and then wash your hands. Here is a fun hand washing song, sung to Row Row Row Your Boat.
Wash, wash
Wash your hands
Wash them nice and clean.
Scrub them here (with hand motion scrubbing together)
Scrub them there (with hand motion scrubbing tops of hands)
And scrub them in between (with hand motion scrubbing between fingers).
Wash, wash, wash, your hands
Play our handy game
Rub and scrub, scrub and rub
Germs go down the drain HEY!
Wash, wash, wash, your hands
Play our handy game
Rub and scrub, scrub and rub
Germs go down the drain HEY!
Have a easy pull drawer, eye level where a young child, can pull out. Filled with child size plates, cups, utensils. In a preschool setting, I usually only put what is needed for the class, and then have them practice counting how many they need, as attendance does fluctuate. Ikea is my favourite for kids dishes, and I purposely, don’t always make them match, because I want them to know, its okay if they don’t! Sorry, all you OCDer’s!

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Get a kids size spray bottle, and fill it with your choice of a cleaning product. Tell them, you will help assist them to wipe the table clean. I’m sensitive to smells, this is one I can handle that is environmentally friendly, too! If they can’t squeeze the bottle, they can wipe the table!
I aim to try 3 out of 4 food groups. If you are in a preschool setting, where you might rotate snack among parents this is a great choice, as then the children are exposed to a variety of choices, that the might not consider to try! It might also take a bit of time, for them to build up the courage to try something new. I like to say, “Our tastebuds are growing up every day, and you might like it today! ” They can place the food back on their plate, if they don’t like it. It’s funny how children are, they want to surrender the foreign food, that they dislike and give it back to you! I loved how my preschool parents, made a effort in being creative, with different topics that were being taught.

Try this adorable song to sing, to your students prior to snack time, I’m sure before long, they will be singing along!
To the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it’
“Put your hands in the air, in the air. (x2)
Put your hands in the air but we don’t want to leave them there so put your hands in your lap, in your lap.
Put your hand in your lap, in your lap (x2)
Put your hands in your lap and lets get ready for our snack, put your hands in your lap, in your lap”
Sit while you eat, I can’t stress this enough! So important, so a child does not choke. This is a great time, to capture their attention, and read stories during this time.
Although, if bananas are served…play along, and encourage them to communicate through their modern day bananaphones!

Snack time, is a great time to practice manners, and table expectations.

Let them try out new skills like pouring water into a cup. No crying over spilling, and if you stick to water, it isn’t sticky. They will experiment right to the rim and over, just be prepared to have plenty of towels and encourage them to help clean up, too!

Let them play with their food! I have seen wonderful plate creations, and how they come up with creative concepts. Talk about shapes, or what even what letters you can make out of what you have, what pictures or animals can you make?

When one is all finish, how do you clean up? Do you compost, and have to separate packaging? Show them a few times, and before long, they will be doing it all by themselves!
Miss Chrissy