A simple themed craft that just takes 3 steps, that comes from cupid. You can create His arrow, and send it as a creative valentine’s treat for friends, neighbors, lovers, be mailed into a package, drops and run to a secret friendship, or even sent away to grandchildren. It’s super adorable and tasty too!

My favorite memories in elementary school were always around themed school events, and Valentine’s Day was one of the top exciting days filled with anticipation. We would be given a brown paper bag to decorate, and then it was taped to the side of our desk; do they still do it that way? I think nowadays, teachers are always aware that everyone deserves a valentine, and makes sure all are included. The butterflies that were felted when a valentine card showed up that said Love, instead of Like, or From a secret friend, made it even more special to show up in our valentine paper bag mailbox. Times have since exploded with lots of options since I was a kid, but one doesn’t need to go to extremes to be adorable. This gift from cupid will enhance the fun and be an easy craft that is a treat, with just a few essentials.

Finding the Foil Heart Chocolates can be a challenge. I found mine at Save on Foods, and they also had Lindt Heart chocolates, but my wallet isn’t as generous when it comes to giving away good high-quality chocolate unless I’m creating it for those in my family that knows to appreciate tasting quality chocolate. You can most likely find a variety of foiled hearts, also in bulk stores, such as Bulk Barn, or any other grocery store that sells bulk items.
Do you have any nicknames that you call your loved ones? Sugar, Baby, or is it “Hubba Bubba”?! What’s your favorite gum for Valentine’s I like “Hubba Bubba”….and one friend, loves “Thrills”, but to me, it tastes just like soap. Years ago, I discovered, you can’t buy gum at Orlando, Florida airport, the workers are tired of scrapping it off the furniture. Keep that in mind, when giving gum as a treat, you want to pick a flavor most kids enjoy, so don’t have any unexpected stuck on furniture surprises.
Craft Dowels 12″ length or you could also use bamboo skewers, as long as they are strong, and not too long. I would avoid not cutting bamboo skewers in half, or using short sticks, as it throws off the dimension of a long slick arrow.
Washi Tape is a type of Japanese Bamboo Tape, that is printed on one side, but when you removable the adhesive from the back of it, it sticks to itself. I Love Washi Tape!! So many favorite prints and I was very surprised that I was able to stick one assortment of colors or I would have bought more. Here are some of my favorites below:
Low glue sticks, will help the chocolate from melting, compared to hot glue sticks. Plug in the glue gun, and dap some glue on the inside of the foiled heart. Press the end of the craft dowel into the middle of the heart.

Add more glue, place another foiled heart on top and hold firmly in place for a few seconds.
Step 2
Leave a thumb-size space between the heart and the gum, so either the chocolate heart or gum can be taken off more easily. Place hot glue down the middle of the gum, then place it on the stick.

Step 3
Cut pieces of washi tape in lengths of about 2-3 inches. If you have longer pieces you will want to start with those ones first.

Start at the top of the stick, use one color at a time. Remove the adhesive, place the stick in the middle of the tape and fold over so it sticks it itself. Alternate the tape colors, and also the sides of the tape. Do at least 6-8 strips of washi tape.
Then just trim the ribbon on an angle, and c’est la vie you are done!!